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Used for fun in our Siddhiwear colour schemes, these definitions barely scratch the surface of the deeper meaning of Yoga and it's sister science, Ayurveda. Here’s a rough guide…

AUM (OM) is the oldest, most ancient revered syllable in all of Hindu mantras.  It is beyond human comprehension as it represents the essence of the universe and all of creation.  

BHAKTI- Devotion

BUDDHA- Siddhartha Guatama, The Historical founder of Buddhism.

CHAKRA (Wheel) There are 7 main Subtle Energy Centres located within the central Nadi (Shushumna)

GRANTHI- Knot- Referring to blocks along the Shushumna Nadi (the main subtle energy channel along the spine) that prevent the Serpent power (Kundalini Shakti) from ascending to the Crown.

KAPHA- The physical constitution in Ayurveda associated with Earth and Water.

NETI- From the Sanskrit expression Neti Neti….Not this Not this….In the Upanishads, this is the response to the inquiring student about the True Self…an expression to express the expressionless.

OJAS- A Sanskrit word meaning Vigor- responsible for physical, spiritual and emotional well being and vitality.

PITTA-  The physical constitution (dosha) in Ayurveda responsible for metabolism, 
digestion and transformation.  Fire or Agni is the main elemental character.

RAJA- Royal

VATA-  The physical constitution (dosha) in Ayurveda linked to the elements of Space and Air.  

Waheguru-  primary mantra in Kundalini yoga means Wonderful Teacher who brings one out of darkness into the light.