White Meditation Pants:  Importance of Meditation Clothing

What's the most important criteria when purchasing clothes? For sure, style and price matter, but for us, comfort is key. Clothes are reflective of your personality, a way to express your unique nature and mood.   The main factor to consider when practicing any form of exercise, asana or meditation,  is comfort.....Clothing that restricts movement will be uncomfortable, affect breathing and focus.  Our Kundalini friends also know that as Yogi Bhajan taught, wearing white clothing expands one's auric radiance by at least one foot.  It can help strengthen one's identity and serve as a filter for negative influences from your surroundings. Our Siddhi Harem pants in WaheGuru white can add comfort and strength to your asana and meditation practice.   Sat Nam!

To you, white is just one color, but to me it is the total balance of seven colors."  Yogi Bhajan

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